Broncos/Colts Winter Shutdown – Updated

There will be no Flag practices in December for the Club’s two teams.
That doesn’t mean there will be no Club activity.
On Saturday 2nd of December the Club will be held their AGM.
Saturday 9th of December, there will be a practice / game session at Whitecross. Still  hoping that some past Broncos may come out and join us.
Saturday 16th of December, the plan to hold a Club Combine at Grangemouth Stadium has been postponed. Depending on the weather and numbers available , we will have a practice session at Whitecross.
There will be NO events set for the 23rd and 30th of December.
The Club will be starting practice again on January 6th.
With the Flagging New Year tournament on the 20th and 21st of January there will be only two weekends of practice before we enter into an even tougher competition than last year. By the 6th of January we should know which teams will be in our group. Keep your fingers crossed that we don’t end up with the toughest group again this year.